MacTools Utility MacOS

Central Point MacTools is a set of disk utilities similar to Central Point PC Tools for the Apple Macintosh. It includes a file system repair tool, disk optimizer, anti virus, hex editor, and more. MacTools 4.0 Pro was the final version after Central Point was bought out by Symantec.

MacWrite Word Processor MacOS

MacWrite was one of two applications released with the Apple Macintosh in 1984 - the other being MacPaint. These applications defined the Macintosh, and helped define what users expected from GUI applications.

Magic Mirror Utility DOS

Magic Mirror is a memory-resident program that lets you reformat and transfer data between incompatible programs. You highlight data on your screen to store it on disk in a memory buffer limited only by your disk space. You can then call the data from the disk and format it for the program you want to send it to.

MagnaRAM Utility Windows

MagnaRAM, from Quarterdeck Corporation, is a utility that speeds up virtual memory swapping by compressing swap memory, maintaining a swap "buffer", and making use of unused disk cache memory. Unlike some similar products, this one reportedly does something. It competed against similar tools such as SoftRam, Hurricane, and RAM Doubler.

Managing Money with IBM PC Financial DOS

A set of financial calculation programs written in Basic.

Managing Your Money Financial DOS Windows

Managing Your Money is your easy-to-use personal finance manager. MYM has all you'll need to take control of your finances. You can automate your checking account, track credit investments, reduce your debts, plan your savings, decide whether to refinance your mortgage, and much more. You don't have to use all this at first or ever. But it's nice to know its all here when you need it. It is sometimes titled as "Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money".

Mannequin Designer Graphics Windows

Mannequin Designer is a tool that gives you the ability to draw detailed 3D human models and place them into your design, drawings and presentations. It lets you easily place human models from a selection of templates in to a 3d design and position them in a human-like manner. It is intended for use in conjunction with desktop publishing, CAD, animators, and other drawing or presentation packages.

Map-Master Graphics DOS

Map-Master is a map generation and plotting tool that includes state map boundaries, statistical information, and areas within states. It support outputting maps to a number of high resolution plotting devices. Additional map data was available for purchase from Decision Resources.

MapLinx Database Windows

MapLinx for Windows is a geographic database utility that lets business professionals SEE what they're doing by automatically converting database records with zip code fields to symbols on a U.S. map.

Master Graphics Presentation Pack Presentations Graphics DOS

The Ashton-Tate Master Graphics Presentation Pack is a bundle of Ashton-Tate's graphics programs. This includes Chart-Master, Diagram-Master, and Sign-Master. These appear identical to the standalone versions, the only different is the inclusion of a unified menu disk.

MasterModeller Financial DOS

MasterModeller is a model-designing program. With it, you design financial models that enable you to analyze your figures, produce forecasts, and test the effects of decisions. You can set up as many models as you like, sort them all on disk, and use them whenever you need to.

MasterType Training Ground Education DOS

MasterType Training Ground is a typing tutor game for the IBM PC.

Math Workshop Education Windows

An educational Math / Logic program from Broderbund. improve your critical math skills. The areas covered are: Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Equivalencies, Estimation, Fractions, Pattern Recognition, Shape Orientation, Shape Recognition, Scale, Symmetry, Problem Solving."

Mathcad Mathematics DOS Windows MacOS

Mathcad is an easy to use graphical calculation program targeted at engineering professionals. It supports a wide variety of mathematical functions. There were versions for DOS, Macintosh, and Windows.

Mathematica Mathematics Windows

Mathematica, from Wolfram Research, Inc., is a mathematical and scientific application to formulate complex equations. and Mathworks MatLab.

MathType Publishing Mathematics Windows

MathType is a tool for creating printable mathematical formulas. It includes a set of special fonts with mathematical symbols, and the application helps compose them. The results can then be copied in to word processors, or exported to graphics files. Editor.

MatLab Mathematics DOS Windows MacOS

MatLab is a high speed, interactive programming utility for manipulating, calculating, and plotting complicated mathematical equations. It is considered easy to use for those familiar with typical algebra equations.

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Education DOS Windows

An interactive typing tutor for the IBM PC that uses a variety of entertaining learning styles.

MaxThink Utility DOS

MaxThink Max89 is a writing outliner / idea processing program. Unlike a word processor that focuses on presentation, MaxThink focuses on the ideas behind what you are writing. You enter ideas as you go, and MaxThink provides advanced tools to combine, sort, and organize your ideas in different ways.

MaynStream Utility OS2

MaynStream is a high-end but minimalistic server backup program that only works with Maynard tape drives. There were versions for OS/2, Netware, Windows, and DOS.

McAfee VirusScan Utility DOS Windows OS2

McAfee VirusScan was a very popular and reliable virus scanner during the late 90s. Notably, they distributed a free shareware version of their product. VirusScan was often pre-loaded with OEM computers.

Media Master Utility DOS

Media Master is a disk utility for interchanging files between MS-DOS and certain CP/M or non-DOS systems. Supported disks must be MFM or FM decodable by the computer's floppy disk controller, therefore formats like Apple II or C64 can not work.

MediaBlitz Presentations Media Player Windows

MediaBlitz is a tool for creating "Multimedia" presentations from sound, music, and animation clips. Elements use a time-based organization, you can specify exactly when each item plays and for how long. MediaBlitz can also be used with Asymetrix ToolBook to create interactive presentations.

MegaDittos Novelty Windows

MegaDittos is a set of political screen savers that poke fun at Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Hillary.

Memory Commander Utility DOS

Memory Commander, from V Communications, Inc, is a memory manager similar to QEMM or 386MAX, but can expand the DOS base memory beyond 640K with some kinds of applications.