PFS Professional Plan Spreadsheet DOS

PFS: Professional Plan is a spreadsheet program that offered more features than Lotus 1-2-3. It can read and write Lotus 1-2-3 1.x and 2.0 files, has advanced formula and macro capabilities, a large choice of built in report writing options, and built in Presentation Graphics. Earlier version went by the name PFS:Plan

PFS Proof Utility DOS

PFS:Proof is a stand-alone spell checker that is compatible with PFS:Write documents, and part of the low-cost PFS office suite.

PFS:File Database DOS MacOS

PFS:File is an easy to use flat file database that started off as "PFS: The Personal Filing System" on the Apple II and then ported to the IBM PC, TRS-80, and other platforms. OEM version were available from various companies including IBM. Later it evolved in to PFS:Professional File, and IBM rebranded a version as IBM Filing Assistant.

PFS:Graph Presentations Graphics DOS

PFS:Graph, from Software Publishing Corporation, is an easy to use graphing application for early IBM PC compatibles, Apple IIs, Apple IIIs, and Macintosh. Later it evolved in to PFS:First Graphics, and IBM rebranded a version as IBM Graphing Assistant.

PFS:Plan Spreadsheet DOS

PFS:Plan. from Software Publishing Corp, is a spreadsheet that you can use for all types of numerical planning, tracking, analyzing, and reporting . Later it evolved in to PFS:Professional Plan, and IBM rebranded a version as IBM Planning Assistant.

PFS:Report Database DOS

PFS:Report is a companion product to PFS:File. It prepares and prints tabular reports, according to your specifications, from the information stored in a PFS file. IBM rebranded a version as IBM Reporting Assistant. The functionality of this product was later integrated in to PFS:Professional File

PFS:Write Word Processor DOS

PFS:Write, originally from Software Publishing Corporation and later sold to Spinnaker Software, was an early and easy to use word processor for the IBM PC and Apple II. It was also licensed by IBM as IBM Writing Assistant. It can exchange data between PFS:Graph, PFS:File, and PFS:Report. SPC later replaced PFS:Write with Professional Write. Early versions had no built in spell checker, and were instead used with PFS:Proof.

Phasar Financial DOS

Phasar is an easy to use, low cost "budget" home accounting system, and register for DOS.

Pizazz Plus Graphics DOS

Pizazz Plus is a commercial screen shot utility for MS-DOS, with support for Windows. It features built in image enhancement, card-specific support for a large number of video cards, built-in printing with support for a huge number of printers, and converter export tools for many file formats.

PKZip Utility DOS Windows

Pkzip is the most common archiver for MS-DOS based systems. It implements a an open compression method and is much faster than other archivers of its time.

PlanPerfect Spreadsheet DOS

PlanPerfect, originally called MathPlan, is a spreadsheet and graphing companion to WordPerfect. It supports the same printers as WordPerfect and is optimized for lower-end machines. PlanPerfect was mainly targeted at existing WordPerfect users. also enjoy PlanPerfect.

Policies Now! Utility Publishing DOS Windows

Policies Now is a document creation wizard that specializes in corporate policies. It provides general purpose templates with carefully constructed language that are customized via a series of questions. The results may be manually customized further with a built in text editor. accompanied by "DescriptionsWrite Now!" (A job description writing tool), and "Personal Policy Expert". These were renamed to "Policies Now!", "Description Now!", and "Policies Now! HR Pro Edition" respectively.

PolyWindows DeskPlus Utility DOS

PolyWindows DeskPlus is a collection of memory resident accessories for DOS. It was first released in 1984 by POLYTRON Corporation. It includes an editor, index cards, a calendar/appointment book, an alarm clock, several calculators, a phone dialer, DOS functions, keyboard macros, and can cut-and-paste between applications. HQ, Mastro, PC Desk, Pop-Up Desk Set, and WordPerfect Library.

POP Menu Utility DOS

A program to organize your computer programs and avoid the DOS prompt. With MENU! you create a personal display of program names. Then run any program with the touch of a single key.

Popcorn Desktop Utility PIM DOS

Popcorn desktop is a set of TSR utilities similar to Borland Sidekick. It includes a text editor, a calculator, and a calendar. It can copy information from currently running programs displayed on the screen.

Popcorn Misspeller's Dictionary Word Processor Utility DOS

Popcorn Misspeller's Dictionary, from Popcorn Software, is a TSR program with a popup list of commonly misspelled words. You may find a word by typing it, but it does not make corrective suggestions.

Powerbase Utility DOS

Powerbase is a set of utilities distributed by PC World

POWERLan Communications DOS

POWERLan is a value-added peer to peer networking client for DOS based on Network OS, by CBIS. It includes support for SMB/NETBios, file and printer sharing, and features the ability to easily load and unload to free up DOS memory when needed. It operates on Ethernet, token ring, Arcnet and more. As a peer-to-peer networking system, each node can operate as both a server and a workstation. It competed against Artisoft Lantastic.

PowerMenu Utility DOS

PowerMenu was a popular shareware menu program and file manager for DOS. It was very compact in size and very responsive, even on a 4.77mhz PC/XT. It supports four menu levels, customizable colors, and fits on a 360k floppy disk. It unloads itself when running programs, so applications can use all available RAM.

PowerSOFT Super Utility Utility DOS

PowerSOFT Super Utility is a disk editing utility that was originally developed for the TRS-80. It includes disk mapping, hexadecimal sector editing, directory editing, and sector copying.

PractiWord Word Processor DOS

PractiWord is an easy to use word processor that works similarly to WordStar and integrates with PractiCorp's PractiBase database and PractiCalc III spreadsheet. It was lower cost than WordStar and was primarily targeted at home users and small businesses. Supports the IBM PCJr.

Presentation Express Presentations DOS

Presentation Express, from Business & Professional Software, Inc, is a graphing program designed for use with slide recorders. It is related to Business & Professional Software's "35mm Express", but adds improved color handling, chart formats, and fonts.

Presentation Task Force Presentations DOS

Presentation Task Force, from New Vision Technologies, is a collection of clipart for DOS and Windows. It was highly rated by PC Magazine.

Print Magic Publishing DOS

Print Magic is a sign, card, and banner printing program, similar to Print Master. Compared to others of the time, its functionality is rather crude, lacking previews or undo.

PrintMaster Graphics DOS Windows

Print Master was another sign and banner creation program similar to The Print Shop. The earlier version got in to trouble for looking too much like the Print Shop.