Sidekick 1.x

Borland Sidekick is a DOS based PIM (Personal Information Manager) and one of the first widely-used TSR (terminate and stay resident) programs. The key feature of Sidekick was that one could use Sidekick's utilities while using most other MS-DOS applications. This was important because MS-DOS had no built-in multi-tasking or task switching capabilities.

Later versions for OS/2 and Windows were simply a bundle of a similar PIM and utility programs.

Sidekick competed against a number of similar MS-DOS TSR utilities such as Popcorn Desktop, Sidekick was marked alongside Borland SupeKey.


Release notes

Sidekick is a small Terminate-and-Stay-Resident program for DOS that provides several useful utilities such as note editor, calculator, and calendar. Sidekick is instantly accessible while your other DOS applications are running. No need to exit your currently running program!

Product type
Application Utility PIM
Release date
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
4 (1 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Borland Sidekick 1.00a (1984) (5.25-320k) (SCP) 1.00a English 6.22MB 0
Borland Sidekick 1.11c (5.25) 1.11c English 71.32KB 0
Borland Sidekick 1.56a (1985) (5.25-360k) 1.56a English 1.16MB 1
Borland Sidekick 1.56a (AST Research OEM) (1985) (5.25-360k) 1.56a (AST Research OEM) English 580.42KB 0
Borland Sidekick 1.56b (1986) (3.5-720k) 1.56b English 4.16MB 0


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