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As the name suggests, the Print Shop Companion is a companion product to The Print Shop. It contains extra miscellaneous functionality such as graphics editors and envelope printing.


The Print Shop is a home oriented publisher capable of creating calendars, banners, greeting cards and other printable goods. It started off on the Apple II and Commodore 64 where it became popular for its simplicity and ease of use. From day one, it featured interactive editing, on-screen artwork/layout selection, print previewing, and a library of customizable clipart.


This is an implementation of the Forth 83 programming language for 8088/8086 computers running DOS. Forth contains many unique features and paradigms not found in modern languages.


Borland Sidekick is a DOS based PIM (Personal Information Manager) and one of the first widely-used TSR (terminate and stay resident) programs. The key feature of Sidekick was that one could use Sidekick's utilities while using most other MS-DOS applications. This was important because MS-DOS had no built-in multi-tasking or task switching capabilities.


These are drivers provided by Microsoft for the Microsoft BusPort, serial, and PS/2 mice. Introduced in 1983, The Microsoft Mouse is historically important as it was one of Microsoft's earliest hardware products (The other being an Apple II Z-80 CP/M card). The first Mouse for the IBM PC was actually from Mouse Systems, not Microsoft. However, most clone mice emulated Microsoft's serial protocol and DOS driver software interface. The first Microsoft application designed to make full use of the mouse was Microsoft Word for DOS, and they hyped a product called "Microsoft Windows" (not released until several years later) that was to compete against the upcoming Apple Macintosh and the Mouse Systems based Viscorp Visi On.


DoubleDOS is a simple and easy to use multitasking tool for DOS. It can preemptively run up to two DOS programs at a time. Its main advantage is that it requires very little RAM overhead compared to other multitasking or task switching environments. Because DOS programs can and usually do bypass OS calls, many programs must be "patched" in order to work. things at once, then this would have been a good choice. Reportedly, the first version may have worked with DOS 1.x.


FileMaker is a very easy to use graphical flat-file database management tool from Claris that allows for visual form and report creation. Originally for DOS, there were Macintosh versions and later it was ported to Windows.


Deskmate is a GUI shell, program environment, and organizational application suite bundled by Tandy with their computers. The first two fully graphical versions were renamed "Personal Deskmate" I and II. Earlier versions were text based.


IBM Data is a high-end flat-file database management system targeted at large corporate users. It is part of the Personal Decision Series family, and reportedly a required prerequisite for other modules or "editions". by IBM.


ZSoft PC Paintbrush is a bitmap drawing program visually similar to MacPaint. The earlier DOS versions were often bundled with Microsoft and Microsoft compatible mice, and were notable for supporting a huge variety of video adapters. It competed against Mouse Systems PC Paint (not related despite the similar name). ZSoft PC Paintbrush eventually became Microsoft Paintbrush included in Windows 3.x. For Microsoft's rebranded version see Microsoft Mouse and Microsoft Paintbrush


IBM Filing Assistant is a data entry form designer and database. "The file designer and data source for the IBM Assistant series can help save time by reducing paperwork. Information filed on diskettes can be accessed and modified within a few quick keystrokes". IBM Filing Assistant is a re-branded version of PFS:File. It was sometimes sold with an optional set of templates called IBM Assistant Executive Solutions.


Bank Street Writer is an easy to use word processor intended for beginners and educational use. It was very popular on the Apple II, but also had ports for Atari, Commodore 64, MSX, Macintosh, IBM PC, and IBM PCjr.


IBM Home Assistant is a bonus product often found with bundles of IBM Filing Assistant and the other IBM Assistant series. This was part of IBM's Assistant office product series for the IBM Personal Computer. This included IBM Writing Assistant, IBM Graphing Assistant, IBM Reporting Assistant, IBM Filing Assistant, IBM Document Retrieval Assistant, IBM Planning Assistant, IBM Assistant Home Solutions, IBM Assistant Accounting Solutions, IBM Assistant Executive Solutions, and later IBM DisplayWrite Assistant.


IBM Graphing Assistant is a tool for creating graphs and charts using an IBM PC. Graphing Assistant is an IBM rebranded OEM version of PFS:Graph


Reporting Assistant is a printed report generator for use with IBM Filing Assistant. It is an IBM rebranded version of PFS:Report


IBM Writing Assistant is an early word processor sold by IBM with their IBM PC computers. It is basically a re-branded version of PFS:Write It features a built in spell checker, and the ability to include data and graphs from other IBM Assistant programs.


VisiSchedule, from VisiCorp, is an interactive visually-oriented project task scheduling program. It gives you the tools to control projects, meet deadlines, level resources, and beat cost targets. As you develop your project you can use it to create "What-if" scenarios, and instantly see the results.


MasterType Training Ground is a typing tutor game for the IBM PC.


PC Paint, from Mouse Systems Corporation, is a Macintosh MacPaint-like paint program for the PC. It was often bundled with Mouse Systems mice. Despite the similar sounding name and appearance, it is NOT related to Microsoft/ZSoft PC Paintbrush.


PC-Write, written by Bob Wallace of Quicksoft, was an editor for the PC and along with PC-File and PC-Talk was one of the first widely distributed shareware programs.


Music Construction Set is a program that lets you compose "music" using a graphical user interface. It supports 3-voice sound on the IBM PCjr and Tandy 1000, and 4-voice sound via the Model 5150's cassette port!


Lotus Symphony is a an integrated software program that combines five tools: spreadsheet - word processing, graphics, database management, and data communications - in one package. The spreadsheet has similar functionality to Lotus 1-2-3, however it uses a different software "engine". These releases are of the original suite produced by Lotus. For the unrelated suite produced by IBM under the same name, see "IBM Lotus Symphony".


PC-CALC is an easy-to-use "Visible Spreadsheet" program. If you work with numbers, at home, on the job or at school, PC-CALC is for you. Whether the task is simple or complex, PC-CALC can help you. By using its powerful commands, reports can be produced in minutes that would take hours to do manually, or days to write in BASIC. PC-CALC, written by Jim "Button" Knopf of ButtonWare ( ), is historically notable because it was one of the first programs marketed as shareware.


PC-File is a simple flat file database management program for DOS. PC-File, along with PC-Write, and PC-Talk were the first popular products sold under the "Shareware" concept.


DisplayWrite is a word processor that is based on the IBM Displaywriter dedicated word processing system. It directly competed with software ports of dedicated word processors such as the Wang Word Processing System (or its clone MultiMate ), Lanier Word Processing Software, Xerox, DEC, or similar.