Windows 3.0 / 3.1 for Workgroups 3.1

Windows 3.x was the first to gain significant development and commercial traction. It combined the 8086, 286, and 386 modes of Windows 2 in to one package. It replaced the MSDOS Executive with a Program Manager and File Manager similar to those in OS/2 1.x. Much of its success was spurred by the availability and success of Microsoft Office. Although Microsoft would have had you believe otherwise, Windows 3.x was the direct foundation for Chicago/Windows 95.

Other Windows Versions:
| 1.0 | 2.x | 3.x | NT 3.x | 95 | NT 4.0 | 98 | 2000 | ME | All |


Release notes

Windows for Workgroups 3.1 was the lesser known first release of the "For Workgroups" product. This version bundles an earlier 386-protected mode networking stack with Windows 3.1. This version does not support TCP/IP.

Product type
Release date
Sun Nov 01 1992
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
551 (7 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (''Sparta'' 3.10.014e B2) 3.10.014e Prerelease English 9.69MB 1
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (3.5) for Workgroups 3.1 English 9.39MB 5
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 [Danish] (3.5-1.44mb) for Workgroups 3.1 Danish 10.16MB 0
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 [Danish] [Upgrade] (3.5-1.44mb) for Workgroups 3.1 [Upgrade] Upgrade Danish 10.16MB 0
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 [Dutch] (OEM) (3.5-1.44mb) for Workgroups 3.1 English 10.46MB 1


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