Publisher's TypeFoundry 1.x

Publisher's TypeFoundry is a set of tools for creating and editing fonts. It includes an Outline Editor for use with vectored fonts, and a Bitmap Editor for use with bit-mapped fonts. It includes a copy of ZSoft PC Paintbrush for Windows so that fonts may be imported to or exported from a variety of sources. Its import/export tools can translate between HP LaserJet, GEM/Ventura Publisher, Windows/PageMaker, and PostScript fonts.


Release notes

Version 1.05 is a Windows 1 application.

Version 1.10 runs on Microsoft Windows 1.x and 2.x. To run on Windows 1.x, you must copy the file PTFLIB1.EXE over the existing PTFLIB.EXE. (PTFLIB2.EXE is used for Windows 2). See the readme for more details. It includes ZSoft PC Paintbrush 1.09 for Windows, which also runs on Windows 1.x and 2.x with the above configuration change.

Version 1.50 is meant for Windows 3.0 but the font editor can still be made to run under windows 2.x. The bundled PC paintbrush 1.50 for windows is a B/W only version and only works under Windows 3.x.

Wanted: Type Foundry 1.00

Product type
Application Graphics Publishing
Release date
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
4 (4 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
ZSoft Publishers TypeFoundry 1.05 (1988) 1.05 English 1.71MB 1
ZSoft Publishers TypeFoundry 1.10 (5.25-1.2mb) 1.10 English 1.42MB 2
ZSoft Publishers TypeFoundry 1.10 Manual 1.10 English 88.36MB 0
ZSoft Publishers TypeFoundry 1.50 (1991) (5.25-1.2mb) 1.50 English 717.64KB 1


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