Instant Artist / Print Artist 2.0

Instant Artist, later renamed to Print Artist, is a greeting card and sign creation program that uses vectorized graphics. It was created by The Pixellite Group, the original authors of The Print Shop, and published in 1992 by Autodesk. It was later sold by Sierra On-line. It features a high quality set of generic reusable clip art. The clip art uses vector based technology that was also used in BannerMania.

For more information, see Software Spotlight: Instant Artist.

Release notes

Instant Artist 2.0 was an intermediate release, released by the Pixellite Group.

Installation instructions

The updater setup is a DOS program. The update also changes the minimum Windows requirement from Windows 3.0 to Windows 3.1.

Product type
Application Graphics Publishing Novelty
the Pixellite Group.
Release date
User interface
Download count
6 (1 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Instant Artist 2.0 Update 2.0 Upgrade English 2.86MB 1


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