Framework Premier 1.x

Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications.

Framework provides a text-based "gui", including windowing and menus. All of the different components behave in similar, consistent ways.

The Framework office suite is historically distinguished as the first all-in-one office suite for IBM PC compatible computers.

The spreadsheet component is also unique, as its design let it support "3D" spreadsheets.

Initially, Framework competed against Epson's Z-80 CP/M based Valdocs integrated office suite, and the Macintosh. It later competed against Lotus Symphony and Microsoft Works.

Wanted: Framework V, later versions.

Release notes

"Premiere" is a simplified version of Framework I, similar to what Microsoft did with Word Junior and Multiplan Junior. It's preconfigured to run on a floppy disk and uses a batch file to change screen driver and printer driver. It does not have the communications module and may have other limitations.

Installation instructions

Important: This software is copy protected. To produce a usable image, please use the SCP image.

The hard drive installation option has already been used on this copy and the protection will not permit it to run again.

Protection type: SuperLock copy protection.

An unprotected executable is located in the unprotect folder.

Product type
Application Word Processor Spreadsheet Graphics Communications Database
Release date
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
5 (0 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Ashton-Tate Framework Premier 1.1 [French] (5.25-360k) (SCP) Premier 1.1 French 13.19MB 0


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