Footprint Works Word Processor Spreadsheet Database OS2

Footprint Works is an office suite for OS/2 that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, and database. Later versions were known as IBM Works and were bundled with OS/2 Bonus Packs.

Forms Maker and Filler Database DOS Windows

Forms Maker and Filler is a budget program for making computerized forms. It has two components, a Designer used to create forms, and a Filler used to fill out the contents of the forms.

FormTool Database DOS Windows

FormTool is an easy to use form creation and data entry application.

FormWorx Publishing DOS Windows

FormWorx is a tool for quickly and easily creating high quality printed forms with your personal computer. It comes with a large library of customizable pre-made standard forms. With "Fill & File" you may enter data in to fields or populate multiple forms from a database. Earlier versions were available for DOS.

FoxBASE Database DOS Unix MacOS

FoxBASE, a relational database from Fox Software, started off in 1984 as a clone of dBase II that boasted many speed improvements. FoxBASE+ adds feature parity and compatibility with dBase III Plus. It was later aquired by Microsoft and became FoxPro

Fractal Design Dabbler Graphics Windows

Dabbler, by Fractal Design, was released as a cut down version of Fractal Design Painter, and later re-branded as "Art Dabbler" (when Fractal Design merged with MetaCreations). Dabbler used the brush on canvas metaphor, allowing the artist to build up density/opacity by repeating strokes over the same part of the image. Interestingly, it also was capable of using many of the Adobe defined .8bf plugin filters for special effects.

Fractal Design Painter Graphics Windows

Fractal Design Painter is a painting program that provides a number of unique effects, that can make use of pressure-sensitive tablets. Its drawing capabilities can mimic brush effects such as oil and water color painting.

FrameMaker Publishing Windows Unix MacOS Other

FrameMaker, originally from Frame Technology Corporation and later Adobe, is a professional document system for creating large, complex documents with highly structured layout. It was often accompanied by FrameReader.

FrameReader Publishing Windows

FrameReader is a document viewer for Frame Technology/Adobe FrameMaker.

Framework Word Processor Spreadsheet Graphics Communications Database DOS

Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications.

FreeHand Graphics Publishing Windows MacOS

FreeHand is a vector based drawing program used to create illustrations. It is similar to CorelDraw and Adobe Illustrator. Initially it offered more features and flexibility than illustrator. It was created by Altsys, sold through Aldus, then sold to Macromedia, and then finally was assimilated by Adobe. Later versions repositioned itself as a content creation system for the web through Flash. The final version was Freehand MX (version 11) in 2003.

Freelance Graphics Presentations Graphics DOS Windows OS2

GCI/Lotus/IBM Freelance Graphics is a vector based presentation and graphing package developed for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. It was intended for use alongside Lotus 1-2-3. Later versions were part of SmartSuite. Before it was acquired by Lotus it was known Freelance, from Graphic Communications.

Friday! PIM Database DOS

Friday! is an early simplified database filing system, sometimes considered a personal information manager, built on top of dBase II. It is easily customizable, completely menu driven, simple, and easy to use. It was targeted at new computer users, and lacks advanced functionally. There were versions for both DOS and CP/M.

FT Pro Database DOS

FT/Pro, from Block Development Corporation, is a form editor/designer that makes use of VGA graphics. It is capable of importing forms from FormTool. FT/Pro contains an extensive set of powerful drawing tools. It supports variable sizes, colors, typefaces, graphic images, and can print high quality forms on laser printers.

Full Impact Spreadsheet MacOS

Full Impact is an advanced, easy-to-use, high performance spreadsheet from Ashton-Tate. Compared to other spreadsheets of the time, its main advantage was superior graphing abilities. Full Impact sold alongside other Ashton-Tate products such as dBase, Applause, and FullWrite.

FullPaint Graphics MacOS

FullPaint, originally created by Ann Arbor Softworks, is a MacPaint work-alike for the Macintosh that adds many enhancements and improvements over MacPaint. It was acquired by Ashton-Tate as an attempt to enter the Macintosh market.

FullWrite Word Processor MacOS

Originally developed by Ann Arbor Softworks and Aquired by Ashton-Tate, FullWrite is a full-featured word processor, targeted at professional writers, that includes both powerful editing capabilities, as well as advanced WYSIWYG layout abilities. Supports styles, revision highlighting, table of contents, indexes, footnotes, hyphenation, spellchecker, and thesaurus. It also includes a graphics editor, and import/export functionality.

GammaTech Utilities Utility OS2

GammaTech Utilities is a "must-have" set of disk tools for OS/2, including an HPFS disk optimizer, undelete, file recovery, file wiping, enhanced directory list, and delete tree.

GEM 1st Word Plus Word Processor DOS

Gem 1st Word Plus is a word processor sold by Digital Research alongside their GEM operating environment. It supports text formatting, embedded images, multiple windows, mail merge, and includes a spell checker.

GEM Desktop Publisher Publishing DOS

GEM Desktop Publisher, from Digital Research, is a GEM 3.x based Desktop publishing program. It is not as sophisticated as Ventura Publisher. It uses a VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) in place of EMS/XMS, and requires a hard disk. It can be used with GEM Artline to provide illustrations.

GEM Draw Graphics DOS

GEM Draw, from Digital Research, is an easy to use Vector based drawing program for the GEM Desktop. It features the ability to open two drawing windows and drag objects between different drawings.

GEM Graph Presentations DOS

GEM Graph is an easy to use, but simplistic, tool for creating presentation graphs. It runs within the GEM Desktop, has a very Macintosh-like user interface, and was sold alongside the GEM Desktop product. It can import lotus (*.wks) spreadsheets and others.

GEM Paint Graphics DOS

GEM Paint, from Digital Research, is a bit-mapped drawing program sold alongside GEM Desktop that runs in the GEM graphical environment.

GEM WordChart Database DOS

WordChart is a simple flat file database with customizable forms for the GEM Desktop.

GEM Write Word Processor DOS

GEM Write, from Digital Research, is a simple document editor. It supports embedded images as well as bold, italic, and underline fonts, but only monospaced. It requires GEM Desktop