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This is a rudimentary text editor sold by IBM for the IBM PC. It runs with only 64K of RAM and a single sided floppy drive under PC-DOS 1.x. This later evolved in to the IBM "E" Editor.


IBM Diskette Librarian is a small database that keeps track of your files across multiple floppy disks.


IBM Time Manager is a rudimentary scheduling application for the IBM PC. It lets you keep a calendar for an entire year, schedule items, make notes, set priority, and produce certain kinds of totals.


MicroPro DataStar is a general purpose forms based desktop database for early IBM PCs and compatibles. It is often used in conjunction with ReportStar and sometimes bundled as InfoStar. MicroPro products were commonly bundled with OEM systems.


MicroPro ReportStar is a report generator for DOS used in conjunction with DataStar and sometimes bundled as InfoStar.


Perfect Filer, from Perfect Software, Inc, is an easy to use database for DOS bundled with a number of early DOS and CP/M computers. "Perfect Filer is designed to assist you in the effective management of information. Essentially Perfect Filer allows you to build a computerized records management system where data on clients, customers or other case records can be stored . No more typing and retyping the same information, searching through file drawers, or hand copying or typing information stored in a file . With Perfect Filer your computer can do these tasks and more . You enter information in the file only once, Perfect Filer retrieves it, prints it where and how you want it-on invoices, shipping labels, monthly statements, form letters, etc . Perfect Filer's uses in the modern office are unlimited."


PeachText 5000 is a complete personal productivity system for word processing, financial modeling, mailing lists and simple database management. It contains a thesaurus, spell checker, and file conversion tools.


IBM Word Proof is a stand-alone spell checker for the IBM PC with a list of over 125,000 standard English words. It can also find synonyms and anagrams, and features a built-in full screen editor. You may add your own specialized words to its list.


VisiFile is a flat file data base management system. This version is for the IBM PC, there was also an earlier version for the Apple II.


InfoStar, by MicroPro, a business-application- development system designed specifically for nonprogrammers, provides easy-to-use on-screen menus that guide users through each step of data entry-form design and detailed report generation. within the report and allows users to incorporate data from multiple files. Other features include a form generator and a sorting facility.


Type Faces is a program that can print word processing documents using a number of fancy fonts. The fonts are rendered graphically so you are not dependent on the fonts included with your printer. At the smaller sizes, the fonts are letter quality. Type Faces supports formatting codes that you can insert in to your documents, such as right justify, centering, and underline.


StarBurst is an office workflow process automation tool that integrates with other MicroPro products. StarBurst features a programming language and screen builder that can collect data from users, manipulate files, and control MicroPro programs such as WordStar.


Memory Shift is a very early task switching program for DOS. It operates by "partitioning" the computer's memory and loading different applications in to each partition. It can then switch between each application and share data between applications.


Personal Pearl is an easy to use relational database information manager targeted at home users. It originated on the CP/M-80 operating system and was bundled with many 8-bit computers such as the Osborn, Morrow, and Epson computers.


IBM Fixed Disk Organizer is a simple menu program for DOS. It was marketed by IBM for use on their IBM XT. Using this shell, you will no longer have to repeatedly muddle through DOS commands to get to your commonly accessed applications. You can customize your menu items, and organize them in customizable categories. It also lets you set a password for menu items, and you may customize the screen colors. While there were many, many better menuing programs produced for DOS, Fixed Disk Organizer was a standard IBM offering.


IBM Home Assistant is a bonus product often found with bundles of IBM Filing Assistant and the other IBM Assistant series. This was part of IBM's Assistant office product series for the IBM Personal Computer. This included IBM Writing Assistant, IBM Graphing Assistant, IBM Reporting Assistant, IBM Filing Assistant, IBM Document Retrieval Assistant, IBM Planning Assistant, IBM Assistant Home Solutions, IBM Assistant Accounting Solutions, IBM Assistant Executive Solutions, and later IBM DisplayWrite Assistant.


Reporting Assistant is a printed report generator for use with IBM Filing Assistant. It is an IBM rebranded version of PFS:Report


CorrectStar, from MicroPro International, is an add-on spell checker for WordStar 3.3. It was sold both bundled with WordStar and separately. Later versions of WordStar integrated the spell checker.


Microsoft Spell is a spell checking application intended for use with Microsoft Word 1.x for DOS. You can also use it as a standalone program. Microsoft Spell 1.0 was available for purchase by itself, but later versions were bundled with Microsoft Word for DOS.


PFS:Report is a companion product to PFS:File. It prepares and prints tabular reports, according to your specifications, from the information stored in a PFS file. IBM rebranded a version as IBM Reporting Assistant. The functionality of this product was later integrated in to PFS:Professional File


V-Print, from CompuView, is a printing product designed to accompany VEDIT.


IBM Script/PC is a document formatter utility. It is similar to the mainframe DCF tool for IBM TSO or VM 370 that uses the Script/VS language. Unlike integrated word processors, one creates their document in a separate text editor and manually adds markup commands (called GML or Generalized Markup Language tags). This utility then interprets those commands to produce a formatted document regardless of the printer used. formatters already on the market such as WORDIX+INDIX, ReadiWriter, and MicroScript. for use with IBM Professional Editor, and can work with existing mainframe Script/VS documents.


IBM Assistant Executive Solutions is a set of pre-designed forms and reports sold for use with IBM Filing Assistant. The forms are intended to help professionals organize appointments, personal and business checking accounts, portfolios, and more.


Electric Desk is an all-in-one integrated word processor, spreadsheet, database, and terminal program. It was first introduced in 1984 as a low-overhead office package targeted at the IBM PCjr, and was offered as a lower cost alternative to Ashton-Tate Framework and Lotus Symphony. Electric desk features windowing, macros, and context sensitive menus. The user interface is a little eccentric. It refers to the program components as "services", and refers to windows as "viewports". OEM bundled PC software.


BULL Micral Prologue system for the Olympia People Computer.