Xerox Globalview 2.1 for Windows

Xerox Globalview is a desktop environment and office suite originally developed for the Xerox Star. It was developed in the MESA programming language on the Xerox Star, and ported to Sun Solaris, OS/2, and Windows 3.1 (The OS/2 version requires a MESA emulator card).

The SunOS version also contains Xerox Rooms for X. There is a separate version of Xerox Rooms for Windows.

Wanted: Original media for Xerox Star and OS/2 as well as documentation.


Release notes

Globalview 2.1 for Windows 3.1 is the final version of Globalview. It is essentially an emulation of a Xerox Star system, and does not act as a normal set of Windows applications.

Installation instructions

This program is designed for Windows 3.1. It will also run under 95 and 98, but will not run under NT or other OSes that do not allow the use of VXDs.

Product type
Application Word Processor Spreadsheet Presentations Graphics Publishing Communications Database
Release date
Wed Jan 24 1996
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
3 (3 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Xerox Globalview 2.1 2.1 for Windows English 58.46MB 3


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